[Twisted-Python] Porting PB to python3

Hi, I reviewed your branch: https://github.com/wrohdewald/twisted/commits/spread-py3-7598/twisted In my opinion, that branch has two categories of Python 3 porting: Category 1: Minor -> these are "minor" fixos, such as dealing with xrange -> range Category 2: Major -> you have done a lot of work to deal with bytes versus unicode strings I hope you haven't lost interest in this, and are still willing to push forward. I would recommend that if you can separate out the minor fixes into separate GitHub pull requests and separate Trac tickets, then do that. If you see: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/commits/trunk you will see I have submitted a lot of pull requests + trac tickets of "minor" Python 3 fixes, and those have successfully been reviewed and merged by Twisted committers. Dealing with bytes versus unicode strings will take longer to review, because it is more advanced. That is why I recommend separating out the "minor" fixos if you can. The other think I would recommend is if you do periodic merges from trunk to your branch, since a lot of new Python 3 fixes have gone into trunk in the past few weeks. -- Craig

I've also taken a hack at this whilst I was on the plane; please see https://github.com/twisted/twisted/compare/trunk...port-pb-7598 which has some minorly different approaches to porting than your branch. There is a few fixes to things I hadn't got to, which I'll investigate :) - Amber

I've also taken a hack at this whilst I was on the plane; please see https://github.com/twisted/twisted/compare/trunk...port-pb-7598 which has some minorly different approaches to porting than your branch. There is a few fixes to things I hadn't got to, which I'll investigate :) - Amber
participants (3)
Amber "Hawkie" Brown
Craig Rodrigues
Wolfgang Rohdewald