[Twisted-Python] No shame...

OK...I'm obviously not QUITE grokking something with Deferreds, and I've spent FAR too long on something that's probably WAY too simple. I've been trying to use a Deferred from an adbapi connection in a web page display, and I'm just doing something wrong. I get the data, but the page is already rendered. I know the query's working, b/c the callback function writes to the log. At this point, I've given up and used a blocking call just for example purposes. Here's what's (shamefully) working now: ----BEGIN SCRIPT---- # Bloglist RTL file # # Provides a listing of recent blog posts # obviously, these aren't all being used now. # I've been through 'em all during the day, though... from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.enterprise import adbapi from TwistedBlog.config import DSN from TwistedBlog import blogger from twisted.python import log from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET # the heck with it... import pyPgSQL.PgSQL class BlogResource(Resource): template render(self, request): print "DSN = %s" % (DSN,) conn = pyPgSQL.PgSQL.connect(DSN) cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """SELECT title, news_item_id FROM news_items ORDER BY release_date desc, news_item_id DESC LIMIT %s""" cursor.execute(sql, 8) recentList = cursor.fetchall() """ <html> <head><title>Recent Entries</title></head> <body> <h1>Kenzoid's blog</h1> """ for (title, id) in recentList: '<a href="blog/%s">%s</a><br>' % (id,title) """ </p> </body> </html> """ % vars() resource = BlogResource() ----END SCRIPT---- Now, TwistedBlog.blogger.DatabaseBlogger OTOH uses an adbapi.Augmentation.runQuery with the same SQL as above, returning a Deferred. Once the callback runs, the resultlist is available there, and I can write it (for example) to the log. So I know it's working. Just not in sync with the rest of things. So I realize the problems...but I'm just-not-seeing-the-Deferred-way. Can someone give me a dumb-stupid example, getting basically the same info as above into a webpage, using adbapi rather than a blocking call? I find tantalizing mentions of the use of Deferreds in various places, but I don't see any easy examples. I like easy. *grin* For starters, anyway. As to format, I don't care. Use woven, Quixote PTL, Web Widgets, direct writes, whatever floats your boat. I hope that once I see it and play with it a tad, the lightbulb will turn on in my beany little head. Thanks in advance...I'll take the ribbing, as long as I get some code too! *grin* -- Ken Kennedy | http://www.kenzoid.com | kenzoid@io.com
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