[Twisted-Python] reactor start/stop frustrations in tests

Hi all I know this has been discussed numerous times, but I need some extra help. I have used nose.twistedtools' @deferred decorator to run the reactor within a test method to date. Now I am writing some performance tests for our application and need better control over the reactor. nose has threaded_reactor() and reactor_stop() to control things, but regardless, it still doesn't seem to shut down. I need to shut down the reactor between tests so that requests are dropped (ie get a real representation of completed tasks within test time). Would you recommend trial instead? Many thanks Brad

On Jan 20, 2010, at 10:36 PM, Brad Milne wrote:
Trial would work better with tests that want a "real" reactor though, yes, but it still won't let you shut down the reactor. If you really want to do that, please re-open this ticket by attaching a patch: <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/3518> - and remember to add the 'review' keyword so someone will notice it :)

On Jan 20, 2010, at 10:36 PM, Brad Milne wrote:
Trial would work better with tests that want a "real" reactor though, yes, but it still won't let you shut down the reactor. If you really want to do that, please re-open this ticket by attaching a patch: <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/3518> - and remember to add the 'review' keyword so someone will notice it :)
participants (2)
Brad Milne
Glyph Lefkowitz