[Twisted-Python] questions about deferreds and code structure

hi, i would like todo a few operations for a bunch of irc servers, basically all thats done in main for a list of ips. heres what i came up with (this does not contain the actual class that inherits from irc.IRCClient code) questions (i will refer to the pb.codehash.net for line numbers) 1) when not adding printError at the end of the code (line 101) i dont see error messages for operations in main. why is that? printError is also added on line 33 and 36. why wont they produce errors from main? 2) does this overall structure look like a good idea? intention: connect to a bunch of servers and do stuff. but not in parrallel. heres the code nicely formatted https://pb.codehash.net/760c30b217964139be82930899ba4b49 def printResult(result): print result def printError(failure): print "\tprintError()" print str(failure) downloadFinished = False def startNewDownload(unused): global downloadFinished new_data = get_some_bot() server = new_data["server"] xdccbot = new_data["xdccbot"] pack = new_data["pack"] channel = new_data["channel"] if not downloadFinished: point = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, server, 6667) d = connectProtocol(point, XdccBot()) d.addCallback(main, server, xdccbot, pack, channel) d.addErrback(printError) #if this succeeds, or if it fails. do the same: remove old bot from data and start with the next one d.addCallback(lambda r: maybeDeferred(remove_bot_from_data, xdccbot, server, new_data["filename"])) d.addErrback(printError, "inside main") d.addCallback(startNewDownload) d.addErrback(printError) else: print "we are done!" return d @inlineCallbacks def main(proto, server, xdccbot, pack, channel): print "main()" print "server, bot, pack", server, xdccbot, pack #this can backfire: #irc_unknwon: prefix, command, params Helheim.SceneP2P.net ERR_NOMOTD ['lalala12324', 'MOTD File is missing'] print("Waiting for MOTD...") yield proto.motdReceived print("Querying...") isOnline = yield proto.isOnline(xdccbot) if isOnline: print(xdccbot, "is online!") else: print(xdccbot, "is *NOT* online!") joinChannel = yield proto.join_channel(channel) if joinChannel: print "we joined some creepy channel" else: print "joining didnt work out" print "sending message" try: lala = yield proto.msg_CTCP(xdccbot, pack) print("lala:", lala) except lazyBotException as e: print(e) #reactor.stop() #wait for download finish try: result = yield proto.downloadFinished print("result:", result) except Exception as e: print("finish:", e) print("end of code") d = startNewDownload("lalalal") d.addCallback(printResult) d.addErrback(printError) reactor.run()
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