[Twisted-Python] PB and FilePager
Hi there, I encountered a problem while dealing with file transfers using PB and t.s.u.FilePager. The sscce illustrates the problem: --------- server.py -------------------------------------------------- from twisted.spread import pb from twisted.internet import reactor ROOT = '/tmp/' class ImageCollector(pb.Referenceable): def __init__(self, fd): self.fd = fd def remote_dummy(self): pass def remote_gotPage(self, page): self.fd.write(page) def remote_endedPaging(self): print "Completed" self.fd.close() class VurmController(pb.Root): def remote_createImage(self, imageId): return ImageCollector(open(ROOT + imageId, 'w')) reactor.listenTCP(8789, pb.PBServerFactory(VurmController())) reactor.run() ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- client.py -------------------------------------------------- import sys from twisted.spread import pb from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.spread import util FILE = 'myfile.something' factory = pb.PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 8789, factory) d = factory.getRootObject() def createImage(controller): return controller.callRemote('createImage', 'image-id') d.addCallback(createImage) def sendImage(ctl): print ctl.callRemote('dummy') ############# LINE 19 ############# d = defer.Deferred() util.FilePager(ctl, open(FILE), callback=lambda: d.callback(None)) return d d.addCallback(sendImage) def done(_): print "Transfer completed" #reactor.callLater(1, reactor.stop) reactor.stop() d.addCallback(done) reactor.run() ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm trying to *upload* a file from the client to the server by calling a method on the server which returns a collector to be used with a FilePager instance. When run with the line client.py:19 commented out, the script blocks before sending out any file chunks, if the line is uncommented (effectively calling the 'dummy' method remotely), everything works as expected. Digging around in the sources, I found out that t.p.u.Pager registers itself to the collector's pb broker as a pageProducer. When resumeProducing is called on the broker, it asks the FilePager instance for the next page, which leads to the invocation of the following method on FilePager:: def sendNextPage(self): """ Get the first chunk read and send it to collector. """ if not self.chunks: return val = self.chunks.pop(0) self.producer.resumeProducing() self.collector.callRemote("gotPage", val) As the t.b.FileSender producer does not yet had a chance to write something to the FilePager, the method returns straight away without sending anything. As anything was sent, the Broker.resumeProducing method is never called again, and thus the FilePager.sendNextPage neither. The problem is caused by the calling chain of the FilePager constructor: FilePager.__init__() -> Pager.__init__() -> broker.registerPageProducer(FilePager) -> transport.registerProducer(broker) -> broker.resumeProducing() -> FilePager.sendNextPage() -> <no data, don't send anything> -> FilePager.startProducing(fd) -> FileSender().beginFileTransfer(fd, FilePager) -> FilePager.registerProducer(FileSender) -> FileSender.resumeProducing() -> FilePager.write(data) -> <store data, wait for sendNextPage to be called> Simply inverting these two method calls (Pager.__init__ and FilePager.startProducing) solves the problem. The same problem does not appear when calling the 'dummy' method (client.py:19) because the data for the method call is waiting to be sent out by the reactor and the transport does not call 'resumeProducing' on the broker until the next iteration. This allows the call to FilePager.startProducing to complete before sendNextPage is ever called on it. Does this sound correct? It seems only strange to me that nobody else had this problem previously. If no errors on my side are found, I'll submit this as a ticket. Cheers, Jonathan
On 27 Jun 2011, 08:52 pm, jonathan@stoppani.name wrote:
Hi there,
I encountered a problem while dealing with file transfers using PB and t.s.u.FilePager.
This looks like <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/3445> which has been open for a while (and is still open). The fix does seem straight-forward - keep track of the paused/unpaused state so new chunks can be written right away. Note that reversing the order of the __init__ and startProducing calls probably isn't the right solution, as that would re-introduce <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/3023>. Anyone want to take a shot at this ticket? Jean-Paul
participants (2)
Jonathan Stoppani