[Twisted-Python] Have you checked out CherryPy?

Hello all, There's an interesting light-weight web application platform called CherryPy (why cherry? who knows..). The idea of generating the web server from source is similar to twisted's mktap. However, it takes .cpy files and creates a .py which is run like a normal python program: $ python MyWebApp.py This will launch a web server listening on port 8000 by default. CherryPy has 2 templating laguages which serve different purposes. It's actually quite simple to use as far as templating languages go. Of course, it's only analogous to twisted.web - which is only a part of the twisted erm...twisted super-framework? Apart from the interesting thing that CherryPy is, the thing that surprised me was the docs. Take a look at the docs! Considering that it's only version 0.2, the docs are really good! For more info/downloads, go to: http://www.cherrypy.org -- Regards, Mukhsein Johari
participants (1)
Mukhsein Johari