[Twisted-Python] Weekly Bug Summary

Okay, I made a script that generates this from Roundup -- I'm going to put it in a crontab and have it email out every week from now on. Alternate formatting suggestions welcome. Bug summary ______________________ Since 2004-09-03 22:45:53.767335: Bugs opened: 10 Bugs closed: 5 Total open bugs: 305 (+5) New / Reopened Bugs ______________________ returning None from buildProtocol in ReconnectingClientFactory causes exception (2 hours ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue710 opened by djk121 Oscar html function broken (yesterday) CLOSED http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue709 opened by jadestorm [CORE] ReactorTime has serious performance issues (yesterday) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue707 opened by stefan Add ClientCreator example to TCP Client howto (yesterday) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue708 opened by mcfletch [DOCUMENTATION] failure.check() docstring (2 days ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue706 opened by thomasvs retrial util.deferredError blows up on failure (3 days ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue705 opened by warner [CHAT] MSN Protocol bugs (with patches & unit tests) (5 days ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue702 opened by delx [XISH] Jabber xmlstream parse bug (with patch and unit test) (5 days ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue701 opened by delx SCGI server protocol implementation (3 days ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue704 opened by fog SCGI server protocol implementation (3 days ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue703 opened by fog Bugs Closed ______________________ Oscar html function broken (yesterday) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue709 opened by jadestorm [PB] callRemote exception handler relies on possibly unbound local `req' (8 months ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue459 opened by exarkun [PB] Copyable and Referenceable undefined in pb.py (sandbox) (8 months ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue461 opened by exarkun reconnecting ConnectionPools (1 month ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue657 opened by davep Error reporting for unslicable objects isn't very informative (8 months ago) http://www.twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue462 opened by exarkun
participants (3)
James Y Knight
Mary Gardiner