[Twisted-Python] twisted to the iphone rescue ?

I just got an iPhone, and like many other tech people, I'm pissed: a_ There's no terminal/shell - i think they wanted to lock-down the phone b_ There's no Chat feature - they wanted to push people into an overpriced AT&T scheme Some people have been doing workarounds: re: http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2007/06/25/aim-and-ssh- coming-to-an-iphone-near-you-sort-of iPhoneChat web-based aim proxy think twisted-words http://www.publictivity.com/iPhoneChat/ WebShell web-based ssh proxy over https http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mressl/webshell/ And I heard of a few more in the pipes. Is anyone working on stuff like this using Twisted though? For a seasoned Twisted programmer, this should be pretty simple... I've done most of the features of both in other apps based on twisted , which seems to support both feature sets really really well. Just wondering/hoping that someone here is planning on releasing some standalone stuff that people can download and run on their servers ( ssh for security , chatting for aim/icq/jabber not throttling any one ip - which is happening right now )
participants (2)
Jonathan Vanasco
Mikeal Rogers