[Twisted-Python] win32 process problem

Hi Itamar, I'm just getting into twisted, after our IRC chat the other day. Looks like it does everything I need (plus a lot more !). I'm having some trouble with Process and win32, i.e. I'm already using bleeding edge CVS versions ... I'm trying to run a http server which services XMLRPC calls. The XMLRPC calls then have to launch a process that the server needs to keep track of, getting notified when the process exits. Anyhow it seems the new win32 process stuff is giving trouble. It only allows one XMLRPC call before the server hangs. I'm testing with the following code. I realize that this code is brand new, but thought I'd send it along in case you hadn't seen the problem already. -Drew -----------server.py------------------ import sys,os if sys.platform == 'win32': from twisted.internet import win32 print 'Installing WIN32 version of process handling etc ...' win32.install() from twisted.web import xmlrpc from twisted.python import defer import xmlrpclib class Echoer(xmlrpc.XMLRPC): def _getFunction(self, functionPath): """Convert the functionPath to a method beginning with 'xmlrpc_'. For example, 'echo' returns the method 'xmlrpc_echo'. """ f = getattr(self, "xmlrpc_%s" % functionPath, None) if f: return f else: raise xmlrpc.NoSuchFunction def xmlrpc_hello(self): """Return 'hello, world'.""" return 'hello, world!' def main(): from twisted.internet.app import Application from twisted.web import server app = Application("xmlrpc") r = Echoer() app.listenTCP(7080, server.Site(r)) app.run(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main() and -------client.py------------------------ import xmlrpclib proxy = xmlrpclib.Server("http://localhost:7080/") r = proxy.hello() print r -Drew ;; Drew.Whitehouse@anu.edu.au Sci-Viz/VR Programmer ;; http://anusf.anu.edu.au/~drw900 ANUSF VIZLAB ;; Australian National University Supercomputer Facility

OK, this bug ("can't connect more than one client under win32 event loop") is fixed - get the latest twisted/internet/tcp.py from CVS for the fix.

OK, this bug ("can't connect more than one client under win32 event loop") is fixed - get the latest twisted/internet/tcp.py from CVS for the fix.
participants (2)
Drew Whitehouse
Itamar Shtull-Trauring