[Twisted-Python] Documentation virtual sprint: 14th January

Hi all, A reminder to interested parties that I set the date for this to this coming Saturday: 14th January. What follows is a reminder about what I want to do. I'll set up something more specific for this in a day or two. I envisage I'll have a worklist of some kind on a wiki, and that participants will also be chatting on #twisted as usual to resolve anything else. -Mary ----- Forwarded message from Mary Gardiner <mary-twisted@puzzling.org> ----- I'd like to run a one day Twisted documentation sprint. Please note that while I want and need input from both Twisted experts and Twisted newbies, I won't have much tolerance for general whining about the state of Twisted documentation. (Not that I've ever exhibited much tolerance of this kind.) We need highly specific whining! This sprint will hopefully be the first in a series, and it will be focussed on *reading* the documentation, rather than writing it. We would therefore especially welcome the input of people who are either users of the documentation, or want the documentation improved but don't want to write it. We will focus on reviewing present documentation against the following criteria: - does it reflect best practices for Twisted coders? - is it up-to-date? - is it complete? For people who are newer to Twisted, reviews on the general useability of any particular piece of Twisted documentation as per my post at http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2005-May/010386.html ----- End forwarded message ----- -- <dash> your RDF is massive and unstoppable. [to glyph -ed]

On 1/8/06, Mary Gardiner <mary-twisted@puzzling.org> wrote:
I don't know about everyone else, but _I'm_ gonna be there. So if others think they are anywhere near as cool as radix (or want to be), please come along. -- Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery Radix | -- http://radix.twistedmatrix.com | Release Manager, Twisted Project \\\V/// | -- http://twistedmatrix.com |o O| | w----v----w-+

Yep, there's still a virtual sprint tomorrow! I'll be setting up a todo list in the morning Australian time which should be done by about 0100 UTC and which will be posted here so that people can work on it when I'm not online. I'll spend sometime online between 0400 - 0700 UTC if there are any people in Australian timezones or US nightowls wanting to do stuff. I'll be back around 2100 UTC (that's late Saturday afternoon in the US) for some more work. -Mary -- <exarkun> rt: we could do with an out of control suicide rate <rt> unless you're willing to lead the way, I wouldn't go making that recommendation. <exarkun> rt: I would, but if I hurl people off a cliff, it's murder, not suicide.

On 1/8/06, Mary Gardiner <mary-twisted@puzzling.org> wrote:
I don't know about everyone else, but _I'm_ gonna be there. So if others think they are anywhere near as cool as radix (or want to be), please come along. -- Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery Radix | -- http://radix.twistedmatrix.com | Release Manager, Twisted Project \\\V/// | -- http://twistedmatrix.com |o O| | w----v----w-+

Yep, there's still a virtual sprint tomorrow! I'll be setting up a todo list in the morning Australian time which should be done by about 0100 UTC and which will be posted here so that people can work on it when I'm not online. I'll spend sometime online between 0400 - 0700 UTC if there are any people in Australian timezones or US nightowls wanting to do stuff. I'll be back around 2100 UTC (that's late Saturday afternoon in the US) for some more work. -Mary -- <exarkun> rt: we could do with an out of control suicide rate <rt> unless you're willing to lead the way, I wouldn't go making that recommendation. <exarkun> rt: I would, but if I hurl people off a cliff, it's murder, not suicide.
participants (2)
Christopher Armstrong
Mary Gardiner