Re: [Twisted-Python] Re: GUI responsiveness

Nicola Larosa <> writes:
Is there going to be any facility, in newpb, for splitting up (de)serialization in small chunks?
Yes, for serialization of custom classes. The serialization process can be throttled by either the network side (producer/consumer style) or by the serializer side. Each "Slicer" object is responsible for turning a single object into either low-level tokens (numbers and strings) or other Slicable objects. The 'slice' method is actually a generator, expected to yield a series of smaller objects. If it yields a Deferred, it will not be prodded again until that Deferred fires. The outbound side of the PB connection will be stalled until that object resumes serialization. (I'm considering an extension that would let you have multiple serialization contexts running in parallel over a single connection: if implemented, this deferred-serialization would not stall the connection.. on the other hand methods could be invoked out-of-order, which might be a problem). You could also register a Slicer adapter to handle existing classes (or conceivably for built-in types, like 'list', although I'm not sure that actually works right now), so you could have a ListSlicer which does something like: def slice(self): ITEMLIMIT = 10 for i in range(0, len(self.original), ITEMLIMIT): for j in range(i, min(len(self.original),i+ITEMLIMIT)): yield self.original[j] d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, None) yield d to limit how much gets serialized before giving up control for a turn. (of course, this control may be too coarse to achieve what you want, if some of the items are ints and some are big monster nested classes.. ideally you would pay attention to the elapsed time or CPU cycles or pending workload or something and just yield the Deferred when you need to). I don't currently have anything in place for the deserialization side. Unslicer objects have their receiveChild() method called repeatedly with low-level tokens as they arrive off the wire, until you run out. Each time read() returns a buffer of data, the Unslicer does as much work as it can before returning. This means you're naturally limited by the network speed. Unlike Slicers, the Unslicers can only be throttled by the network side. I suspect you would need to have a pretty fast pipe, saturated with inbound data, and a pretty slow (or overloaded) CPU, before you would see a problem with this. If someone thinks it is important, we could probably allow receiveChild() to return a Deferred that means "stop reading from the socket until this Deferred fires", which might be useful. It might also be useful to add some code to the end of dataReceived() (right after it has finished processing everything in the buffer) to do transport.stopReading() (and arrange for it to be started again later) if not enough other work had been done recently. I suspect this is a bit too much to squeeze into PB: if receive-side CPU time is really a problem, we need a more generalized way to handle this. In a previous life, where I implemented a Reactor in C instead of python, I built some priority-queue/round-robin/WFQ stuff into it, to reassure some fellow developers who were concerned about things like traffic on one socket swamping all the others, and who would have really preferred some full-blown real-time guarantees. I'm hesitant to drag this sort of thing into Twisted, but if there's enough of a demand for it (and someone can show actual problems with the existing approach), then maybe it'd be worth investigating. cheers, -Brian
participants (1)
Brian Warner