[Twisted-Python] want to freeze twisted
I have a twistd-based web server by running a web.tap file like this: $twistd -o -f web.tap -l /var/log/twistd.log Great, it works. Then, I use cx_freeze to freeze it. $FreezePython --install-dir freeze_twistd twistd That is ok, lots of *.so have been copied into freeze_twistd/*. After moving those all into another machine, and run the executable $freeze_twistd/twistd I got complains on missing some modules. I realized that those twisted/* don't be freezed. Then, I try: $FreezePython --include-modules=cgi,calendar,twisted --install-dir=freeze_twistd twistd That is ok too. But twisted still not been included. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance. Iap. BTW: I searched google with keywords "twisted freeze", "twistd freeze". Not so many hits.
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