[Twisted-Python] What is the most recent compatible combination of Twisted and Twisted.web2?

My Redhat 7.3/Python 2.5 box had TwistedWeb2-0.2.0 and Twisted 2.5 . However, they are not compatible. What is the most recent combination of Twisted and Twisted.Web2 that I could use together? Where can I get the most recent version of Twisted.Web2? TwistedMatrix doesn't seem to have a link to it. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Never miss an email again! Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. http://tools.search.yahoo.com/toolbar/features/mail/

On 02:14 am, jonathansamuel@yahoo.com wrote:
Since no "blessed" production-ready release of web2 is yet available, you are probably better off checking it out from Twisted trunk, or checking out the entire Twisted trunk together. If you're interested in rectifying this situation, the path to a web2 release is pretty well plotted in the Twisted tracker already, and you could submit patches to the tickets in there. Start here: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&milestone=Web2 -Gold-Master Also, since this question is more appropriate to the twisted-web list I am cross-posting the response there. Please follow up without cross- posting to twisted-python. Good luck!

On 02:14 am, jonathansamuel@yahoo.com wrote:
Since no "blessed" production-ready release of web2 is yet available, you are probably better off checking it out from Twisted trunk, or checking out the entire Twisted trunk together. If you're interested in rectifying this situation, the path to a web2 release is pretty well plotted in the Twisted tracker already, and you could submit patches to the tickets in there. Start here: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&milestone=Web2 -Gold-Master Also, since this question is more appropriate to the twisted-web list I am cross-posting the response there. Please follow up without cross- posting to twisted-python. Good luck!
participants (2)
Jonathan Mark