[Twisted-Python] Python C API version mismatch when importing twisted

Hello, I got an error message when I'm trying to import twisted in python2.5 on a Debian Lenny machine. The error is: "RunetimeWarning: Python C API version mismacht for module _zoper_interface_coptimizations: This Python has API version 1013, moduel _zope_interface_coptimizations has version 1012." I installed python2.5 from source next to the standard debian python2.4 into /usr/local/lib/python2.5, redirect the link /usr/bin/python to /usr/local/bin/python2.5. Thats working, but when I try to import twisted with "import twisted" I receive the error above. Importing zope works just fine. All I found on the net was that there might be a problem with the two installations of python next to each other. But if so, how can I get rid of python2.4, because I need python2.5. Is there no chance to use both versions parallel? The Version of the zopeinterface is 3.3.1-5, python is 2.4.4-7 and 2.5.1-6, twisted is 2.5.0-2. I am fairly new to Debain and Python and I am really stuck. I hope someone can help me. I would appreciate it big time! Regards, Torsten -- Psst! Geheimtipp: Online Games kostenlos spielen bei den GMX Free Games! http://games.entertainment.web.de/de/entertainment/games/free

On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 12:42:53AM +0100, my list wrote:
I installed python2.5 from source next to the standard debian python2.4 into /usr/local/lib/python2.5, redirect the link /usr/bin/python to /usr/local/bin/python2.5.
Unlike Fedora or RedHat, Debian does not require one particular version of Python with any given version of the distribution - you don't have to compile your own. You should be able to "sudo aptitude install python2.5" and wind up with /usr/bin/python2.5 along with /usr/bin/python2.4. If you're using the Debian-packaged versions of Twisted, they should automatically be available from Python 2.5 as well (no mucking around with installing special python2.5-twisted packages).

On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 00:42:53 +0100, my list <c2k_list@gmx.de> wrote:
Hello, I got an error message when I'm trying to import twisted in python2.5 on a Debian Lenny machine. The error is:
"RunetimeWarning: Python C API version mismacht for module _zoper_interface_coptimizations: This Python has API version 1013, moduel _zope_interface_coptimizations has version 1012."
This is only a warning. It'd probably be good to fix, but in practice I doubt it will cause any issues. Are you having problems other than this running something? If so, the real issue is most likely somewhere else. Jean-Paul

Hi, remove all zope.interface *.pyc files from the python's site-package directory. Rerun application, if it didn't work reinstall zope.interface from source. Where is a C module and compilation are different for the PyObjects in the 2.4 and 2.5 versions. my list wrote:
Hello, I got an error message when I'm trying to import twisted in python2.5 on a Debian Lenny machine. The error is:
"RunetimeWarning: Python C API version mismacht for module _zoper_interface_coptimizations: This Python has API version 1013, moduel _zope_interface_coptimizations has version 1012."
I installed python2.5 from source next to the standard debian python2.4 into /usr/local/lib/python2.5, redirect the link /usr/bin/python to /usr/local/bin/python2.5. Thats working, but when I try to import twisted with
"import twisted"
I receive the error above. Importing zope works just fine. All I found on the net was that there might be a problem with the two installations of python next to each other. But if so, how can I get rid of python2.4, because I need python2.5. Is there no chance to use both versions parallel?
The Version of the zopeinterface is 3.3.1-5, python is 2.4.4-7 and 2.5.1-6, twisted is 2.5.0-2.
I am fairly new to Debain and Python and I am really stuck. I hope someone can help me. I would appreciate it big time!
Regards, Torsten
-- """ Best regards, Alexander Burtsev, Web Development Department, TV Channel 'Sport' """
participants (4)
Burus Gmail
Jean-Paul Calderone
my list
Tim Allen