[Twisted-Python] Perspective broker remote calls to multiple servers seem to run sequentially

Let me start off by warning everyone that I am extremely new to twisted (I've been using it maybe a week) and it's highly likely some things don't work the way I think they should. Or, I'm just using them incorrectly. Some background on what I'm trying to accomplish: I have a client/server system that reads in data values from a file (anywhere between 10k and 1.5M, running every hour) and sends those off to a server for processing. Processing each value takes some variable amount of time and, given that I am doing this every hour, I need it to be as fast as possible, which is why I was drawn to the asynchronous nature of python. I'm using python because everything we do here is in python. I had the app working well with a single server, but I need to scale it out to multiple servers to get the processing time down. At first, I started writing my own distributedish app, which worked (more or less), but had a enough niggly issues that I started looking for something else. This morning I discovered the Perspective Broker and that seemed to be the solution I needed. The problems: Right now, for development and testing, I have three servers running on localhost on three ports. When I run my test code, it seems that each Perspective Broker runs sequentially, rather than concurrently. For example, if i watch the debugging output from the server, I see the following: server 0 processing dataval1 server 0 processing dataval2 server 0 processing dataval3 server 0 processing dataval4 server 1 processing dataval*5* server 1 processing dataval6 server 1 processing dataval7 server 2 processing dataval8 server 2 processing dataval9 server 2 processing dataval10 My understanding is that the perspective brokers would work concurrently. Is that incorrect? My guess is that they should work concurrently and I am just doing something wrong in my code, due to my very, very limited understanding of how they work. Well, how much of twisted works, really. Below is my the relevant code for the client (I've taken out code that just deals with prepping data or debugging). Please keep in mind that this is mostly testing code, while I get a better understanding of how perspective brokers work and was cobbled together from examples and docs found online. CLIENT CODE: import sys, os from twisted.spread import pb from twisted.internet import reactor import Queue MY_PORT = 49981 SERVERS = 3 class Client: def __init__(self, host): self.out_count = 0 self.in_count = 0 self.total = 0 self.in_file = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') self.out_file = open(sys.argv[2], 'wb') # Create data queues for each server so that we can send data to each server self.queues = [] for server in range(0,SERVERS): self.queues.append(Queue.Queue()) # Populate queues with data pos = 0 for dv in self.in_file: dv = dv.strip() self.queues[pos % len(self.queues)].put(dv) pos += 1 # Conenct to servers print 'Connecting to Servers...' for server in range(0, COUNT): factory = pb.PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP(host, server + MY_PORT, factory) factory.getRootObject().addCallbacks(self.connected, self.connect_failure, [self.queues[server]]) def connected(self, perspective, queue): print "connected" while 1: try: dv = queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: break else: perspective.callRemote('process_data', dv).addCallbacks(self.success, self.lookup_failure) def success(self, result): print result dv, answer = result self.in_count += 1 self.out_file.write('%s,%s\n' % (dv, answer)) if(self.in_count == self.out_count): self.out_file.close() reactor.stop() def connect_failure(self, _): print "Remote connect failure" self.out_file.close() reactor.stop() def lookup_failure(self, _): print "Remote lookup failure" self.out_file.close() reactor.stop() Client("") reactor.run() END CLIENT CODE Any help anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated. I have another question, too, but it can wait till this one is solved, since, for all I know, whatever is causing this problem may be causing the other one. Sean M Hollingsworth

Sean Hollingsworth wrote:
[...] With the client code, nothing seems wrong, since it doesn't enforce one job to be finished before starting the next one - the problem has to be on the server side. Actually I suspect you're running the same service on 3 ports but within one process, right?. If this is the case it's no wonder the order of jobs completed matches exactly the order they're arriving in because it all happens in a single thread. If you want parallel processing you will have to use multiple processes. As a side note (which doesn't seem to apply here): if the work they're doing is not CPU-bound, but IO-bound (meaning the work is nothing but waiting for something to complete, which for some reason can't be done in an asynchronous manner, the most prominent examples being blocking database interfaces), you also have the alternative of using threads. I think the basic problem is you're assuming twisted to somehow schedule the work to different cores/cpus, which it doesn't do by default. You might want to look at ampoule https://launchpad.net/ampoule, which is a process pool, there was another similar thing called AsynQueue, but the site is down atm: http://foss.eepatents.com/AsynQueue. hth, Johann

Geez .... what a HUGE duh moment. This will ultimately run on multiple remote servers, but, while doing initial testing, I have been running it on just my dev box. And, of course, I keep forgetting that twisted (well, python) doesn't make use of multiple cores. I wasted all yesterday trying to figure out why this was running the way it was..... A million thanks. Sean On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Johann Borck <johann.borck@densedata.com>wrote:

Sean Hollingsworth wrote:
[...] With the client code, nothing seems wrong, since it doesn't enforce one job to be finished before starting the next one - the problem has to be on the server side. Actually I suspect you're running the same service on 3 ports but within one process, right?. If this is the case it's no wonder the order of jobs completed matches exactly the order they're arriving in because it all happens in a single thread. If you want parallel processing you will have to use multiple processes. As a side note (which doesn't seem to apply here): if the work they're doing is not CPU-bound, but IO-bound (meaning the work is nothing but waiting for something to complete, which for some reason can't be done in an asynchronous manner, the most prominent examples being blocking database interfaces), you also have the alternative of using threads. I think the basic problem is you're assuming twisted to somehow schedule the work to different cores/cpus, which it doesn't do by default. You might want to look at ampoule https://launchpad.net/ampoule, which is a process pool, there was another similar thing called AsynQueue, but the site is down atm: http://foss.eepatents.com/AsynQueue. hth, Johann

Geez .... what a HUGE duh moment. This will ultimately run on multiple remote servers, but, while doing initial testing, I have been running it on just my dev box. And, of course, I keep forgetting that twisted (well, python) doesn't make use of multiple cores. I wasted all yesterday trying to figure out why this was running the way it was..... A million thanks. Sean On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Johann Borck <johann.borck@densedata.com>wrote:
participants (2)
Johann Borck
Sean Hollingsworth