[Twisted-Python] Naive questions about how to do it twisted way.

Hi, I have been follow twisted for like half a year now, I have read the doc and the oreilly book, but i still cann't do some simple work in the twisted way. Could someone give me a hint? Like today, i write this little code to follow my friends list on my msn space, and get their friends list, so on and so on, and maybe at last I can build a social relationship graph with it. The code is actually really navie, here it goes. Sorry for the ugliness of my code, please help me make it prettier:) Thanks. Appologize for my poor English. Jia Liu import re, sys, socket import urllib from sets import Set socket.setdefaulttimeout = 10 re_buddy_pre = re.compile("href=\"(?:http://)?([^\.\"]+)\.spaces.msn.com", re.IGNORECASE) # http://nick.spaces.msn.com re_buddy_post = re.compile("spaces.msn.com/members/([^\"\/]+)", re.IGNORECASE) # http://spaces.msn.com/members/nick/ all_buddies = Set() relation_dict = {} def get_buddy(page, buddy=None): #print page print buddy global all_buddies buddies_of_this_page = Set() for re_buddy in [re_buddy_pre, re_buddy_post]: for m in re_buddy.finditer(page): buddies_of_this_page.add(m.group(1)) relation_dict[buddy] = buddies_of_this_page return buddies_of_this_page def got(url, buddy=None): f = urllib.urlopen(url) return f.read(), buddy URL = "http://ayueer.spaces.msn.com/" (page, buddy) = got(URL, "ayueer") buddies_of_this_page = get_buddy(page, buddy) all_buddies.add("ayueer") next_to_visit = buddies_of_this_page.difference(all_buddies) try: while 1: #reactor.run() #multi_buddy_factory(buddies_of_this_page) for buddy in next_to_visit: url = "http://"+buddy+".spaces.msn.com/" try: (page, buddy) = got(url, buddy) buddies_of_this_page.update(get_buddy(page, buddy)) except: pass all_buddies.update(next_to_visit) next_to_visit = buddies_of_this_page.difference(all_buddies) except KeyboardInterrupt: print all_buddies -- 银筝夜久殷勤弄,心怯空房不忍归
participants (1)
Jia Liu