Re: [Twisted-Python] deferred generators in inline callbacks
Message: 2 Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 19:14:10 -0000 From: Subject: Re: [Twisted-Python] deferred generators in inline callbacks To: Twisted general discussion <> Message-ID: <20111220191410.2164.1501005671.divmod.xquotient.42@localhost.localdomain> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="flowed" On 06:24 pm, wrote: A>Hi. A> A>I have a question about inline callbacks usage. E>You're basically looking for coroutines - ie, context switching across E>multiple stack frames (from inside some_generator through do_stuff out E>to the implementation of inlineCallbacks). E>There are several coroutine libraries for Python. Greenlets is probably E>the most popular. You can use it with Twisted, if you want. I believe Christopher Armstrong a long time ago had corotwine. However if you download the greenlet package and, it is not hard to make them interoperate with Twisted. Here is a recent example of how I use them: Cheers, Andrew
participants (1)
Andrew Francis