[Twisted-Python] t.p.http handling of multipart/form-data

Hey http rewriting team ... (or more specifically foom, I think :) I'm (for my sins, no doubt) using the multipart/form-data implementation in t.p.http to transfer files, and it works okay but could be improved. I'm sure this is not at the top of your priority list for the rewrite (or even *on* it, probably :), but I'd just like to go on record as in favor of a possible enhancement. Let me know if I should put this into the issue tracker as a feature request. (1) Access to enclosure headers The way request arg processing works currently, it doesn't parse the headers from the MIME enclosure, which includes some useful stuff: Content-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, and Content-Disposition (which has the "filename" attribute that browsers use for the local filename -- nice to have for some use cases). This is a documented deficiency of cgi.parse_multipart -- it's recommended to use cgi.FieldStorage to parse the nested parts (also for more "flexibility" in handling of large data, according to the cgi module docs). I discussed this earlier with Itamar, and IIRC he didn't want to use FieldStorage because it blocked (right Itamar? :). (2) [not a big deal] Multiple enclosures. This is just a "would be nice". It's easy enough to do several transfers, but a single one would be more efficient, especially in the case of a lot of small files ... arguably there are lots of ways to get around it (zip, etc.), which is why it's not a high priority. Cheers, Steve
participants (2)
Stephen C. Waterbury
Stephen Waterbury