[Twisted-Python] High Concurrency

Hi, I want to use twisted to write a server which is to get purchase orders from about tens of thousands clients sent by wireless net work (tcp protocol) and store the orders into a DBMS system. I wonder if it is possible and how to deal with the high concurrency. any idea? thanks in advance!

It is possible. Dealing with concurrency depends on how many clients will be connected at a given time, and how many requests you'll need to process in parallel. If all of them, you'll probably want Linux with epoll reactor, and it may be you'll need a distributed architecture with multiple servers.

It is possible. Dealing with concurrency depends on how many clients will be connected at a given time, and how many requests you'll need to process in parallel. If all of them, you'll probably want Linux with epoll reactor, and it may be you'll need a distributed architecture with multiple servers.
participants (2)
Itamar Shtull-Trauring