[Twisted-Python] socket communications in flash
Hello: I am looking at doing low-level sock comms with flash mx and hopefully c++ and upon hitting this thread: http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2002-May/001121.html thought I should contact you to see if you have any experience in that line. If so, I'd appreciate any resources you can share or point to. Thanks a lot. _______ | \___/ o(. .)o --ooO--(_)--Ooo-- e okyere , clifton, va
On Thursday, Jun 12, 2003, at 20:00 America/New_York, e okyere wrote:
I am looking at doing low-level sock comms with flash mx and hopefully c++ and upon hitting this thread:
thought I should contact you to see if you have any experience in that line. If so, I'd appreciate any resources you can share or point to.
This is similar to how I've done it in the past (warning: untested, not commented, mostly rape & paste from other code I've written): ######## import sys, random, md5 from twisted.python.compat import True, False from twisted.python import log from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver from twisted.web import microdom from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory class XMLPipe(LineReceiver): delimiter = '\0' def connectionMade(self): pass def sendMessage(self, message): self.transport.writeSequence(('<packet>', str(message), '</packet>', self.delimiter)) def lineReceived(self, line): if not line: log.msg("WARNING: Empty message from client") return packet = microdom.parseString(line).childNodes[0] if packet.nodeName != 'packet': raise ValueError, '%r is not a packet tag' % packet self.packetReceived(packet) def packetReceived(self, packet): raise NotImplementedError def connectionLost(self, reason): pass class FlashPipe(XMLPipe): def connectionMade(self): self.authenticated = False self.user = None self.issueChallenge() def packetReceived(self, packet): for node in packet.childNodes: self.nodeReceived(node) def nodeReceived(self, node): return getattr(self, 'handle_'+node.nodeName, self.xmlerror)(node) def xmlerror(self, node): log.msg('Unrecognized Node %r %r' % (node, node.toxml())) self.sendMessage('<error>Unrecognized Node</error>') def issueChallenge(self): # some entropy self.pendingChallenge = md5.new(''.join(( hex(id(self)), hex(random.randrange(sys.maxint)), ))).hexdigest() self.sendMessage(''.join( ('<challenge>', self.pendingChallenge, '</challenge>' ))) def handle_response(self, node): resp = node.firstChild().nodeValue.strip() for possible, user in self.factory.authorized.iteritems(): h = md5.new(self.pendingChallenge) h.update(possible) if h.hexdigest() == resp: break else: return log.msg('authenticated as %s' % user) self.user = user self.authenticated = True self.sendMessage('<authenticated />') class FlashXMLFactory(Factory): noisy = 0 protocol = FlashPipe authorized = {'somerandomdata' : 'valid user'} if __name__=='__main__': from twisted.internet import reactor log.startLogging(sys.stdout) reactor.listenTCP(8888, FlashXMLFactory()) reactor.run() #### A conversation would look like this: SERVER: '<packet><challenge>d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e</challenge></ packet>\0' CLIENT: '<packet><response>f87504a987151d223335f0753f010b74</response></ packet>\0' SERVER: '<packet><authenticated /></packet>\0' -bob
participants (2)
Bob Ippolito
e okyere