[Twisted-Python] First demo of Twisted Enterprise HOWTO. Twisted RDBMS support.

IŽve been trying to start twisted RDBMS by following howto. After a couple of hours it's finaly working. I came up to this... It's maybe worth updating howto with working examples to save some time. I know that missing lines are completly obvious to most of experienced users but I was hopeing howto will make me run some demo tests immediately, even thow I'm just a dumb beginner. #!/usr/bin/python # EnterpriseDemo.py """First demo of Twisted Enterprise HOWTO. Twisted RDBMS support.""" from twisted.python import log from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.enterprise import adbapi # use this line for postgresql test dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool("pyPgSQL.PgSQL", database='mydb') # equivalent of cursor.execute(statement), return cursor.fetchall(): def getAge(user): return dbpool.runQuery( """SELECT age FROM users WHERE name = '%s'""" % user) def printResult(l): if l: print l[0][0], "years old" else: print "No such user" reactor.stop() getAge("joe").addCallback(printResult).addErrback( log.err) reactor.run() ############### Setup on Debian Testing ## su ## su - postgres ## createuser -d -a _MyUserName_ ## exit ## su - _MyUserName_ ## createdb -U _MyUserName_ mydb "Demo Database mydb" ## psql mydb ## ## drop table users; ## CREATE TABLE users ( ## name varchar(64), ## age int ## ); ## ## insert into users values( 'joe', 35); ## insert into users values( 'jonas', 25); ## insert into users values( 'josefa', 16); ## ### QUICK TEST ### ## select * from users; ## SELECT age FROM users WHERE name = 'joe'; ############# _________________________________________________________________ STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail
participants (1)
marjan cinober