[Twisted-Python] Documentation update: bug filing policy

Hey everyone, I've finally dug in and started producing (a little) more documentation for Twisted. I'd like to encourage people to submit documentation bugs when they find documentation is inadequate, outdated or missing. (Mark the topic as "documentation" and assign them to me -- hypatia). Patches appreciated :) If you've written an undocumented module that is intended to be used and is stable (for some arbitary "should be documented" value of stable) a bug should be filed to the effect that it should be documented. Make me nosy on docs bugs even if you assign elsewhere. If you assign new docs to me, I will try and write docs for these bugs, but I probably won't be able to do this quickly, so don't assign documentation for new modules to me unless you're prepared to wait. However, if you can't figure out who to assign to, assign to me by default. -Mary
participants (1)
Mary Gardiner