Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted-Python Digest, Vol 67, Issue 23

Hello Reza, I tried the solution you provided and I have to say, that changed a lot! You gave me a better understanding of how things work with Twisted, and I really appreciate your response! Thanks for your help! Best regards, Dirk Moors 2009/10/13 <>
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Twisted Python vs. "Blocking" Python: Weird performance on small operations. (Reza Lotun) 2. Re: Twisted-Python Digest, Vol 67, Issue 22 (Dirk Moors)
Message: 1 Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 15:04:06 +0100 From: Reza Lotun <> Subject: Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Python vs. "Blocking" Python: Weird performance on small operations. To: Twisted general discussion <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Hi Dirk,
I took a look at your code sample and got the async benchmark to run with the following values: *** Starting Asynchronous Benchmarks.
-> Asynchronous Benchmark (1 runs) Completed in 0.000181913375854 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (10 runs) Completed in 0.000736951828003 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (100 runs) Completed in 0.00641012191772 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (1000 runs) Completed in 0.0741751194 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (10000 runs) Completed in 0.675071001053 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (100000 runs) Completed in 7.29738497734 seconds.
*** Asynchronous Benchmarks Completed in 8.16032314301 seconds.
Which, though still quite a bit slower than the synchronous version, is still much better than the 40 sec. mark that you were experiencing. My modified version simply returned defer.succeed from your aync block-compute functions.
i.e. Instead of your initial example: def int2binAsync(anInteger): def packStruct(i): #Packs an integer, result is 4 bytes return struct.pack("i", i)
d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(packStruct)
reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, anInteger)
return d
my version does:
def int2binAsync(anInteger): return defer.succeed(struct.pack('i', anInteger))
A few things to note in general however: 1) Twisted shines for block I/O operations - i.e. networking. A compute intesive process will not necessarily yield any gains in performance by using Twisted since the Python GIL exists (a global lock).
2) If you are doing computations that use a C module (unforunately struct pre 2.6 I believe doesn't use a C module), there may be a chance that the C module releases the GIL, allowing you to do those computations in a thread. In this case you'd be better off using deferToThread as suggested earlier.
3) There is some (usually minimal but it exists) overhead to using Twisted. Instead of computing a bunch of stuff serially and returning your answer as in your sync example, you're wrapping everything up in deferreds and starting a reactor - it's definitely going to be a bit slower than the pure synchronous version for this case.
Hope that makes sense.
Cheers, Reza
-- Reza Lotun mobile: +44 (0)7521 310 763 email: work: twitter: @rlotun
Message: 2 Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 16:18:35 +0200 From: Dirk Moors <> Subject: Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted-Python Digest, Vol 67, Issue 22 To: Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hello Valeriy,
I tried the thing you suggested, and I attached the (updated) code. Unfortunatly, the new code was even slower, producing the following results:
*** Starting Asynchronous Benchmarks. (Using Twisted, with "deferred-decorator") -> Asynchronous Benchmark (1 runs) Completed in 56.0279998779 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (10 runs) Completed in 56.0130000114 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (100 runs) Completed in 56.010999918 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (1000 runs) Completed in 56.0410001278 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (10000 runs) Completed in 56.3069999218 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (100000 runs) Completed in 58.8910000324 seconds. *** Asynchronous Benchmarks Completed in 59.4659998417 seconds.
I suspect that this would me more inefficient because with the deferToThread function in place, every single operation will be executed in its own thread, which means: (1 x 2) + (10 x 2) + (100 x 2) + (1000 x 2) + (10000 x 2) + (100000 x 2) threads....which is...a lot.
Maybe the problem lies in the way I test the code? I understand that using the asynchronous testcode this way (generating the deferreds using a FOR-loop), a lot of deferreds are generated before the reactor starts calling the deferred-callbacks.....would there be another, better way to test the code? The reason I need to now which one is faster (async vs sync functions) is because I need to decide on whetehr or not I should re-evaluate the code I just recently finished building.
Any other ideas maybe?
Thanks in advance, Dirk
Message: 3 Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 09:41:19 -0400 From: Valeriy Pogrebitskiy <> Subject: Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Python vs. "Blocking" Python: Weird performance on small operations. To: Twisted general discussion <> Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Using deferred directly in your bin2intAsync() may be somewhat less efficient than some other way described in Recipe 439358: [Twisted] From blocking functions to deferred functions
recipe (
You would get same effect (asynchronous execution) - but potentially more efficiently - by just decorating your synchronous methods as:
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread deferred = deferToThread.__get__ .... @deferred def int2binAsync(anInteger): #Packs an integer, result is 4 bytes return struct.pack("i", anInteger)
@deferred def bin2intAsync(aBin): #Unpacks a bytestring into an integer return struct.unpack("i", aBin)[0]
Kind regards,
Valeriy Pogrebitskiy
On Oct 13, 2009, at 9:18 AM, Dirk Moors wrote:
Hello Everyone!
My name is Dirk Moors, and since 4 years now, I've been involved in developing a cloud computing platform, using Python as the programming language. A year ago I discovered Twisted Python, and it got me very interested, upto the point where I made the decision to convert our platform (in progress) to a Twisted platform. One year later I'm still very enthousiastic about the overal performance and stability, but last week I encountered something I did't expect;
It appeared that it was less efficient to run small "atomic" operations in different deferred-callbacks, when compared to running these "atomic" operations together in "blocking" mode. Am I doing something wrong here?
To prove the problem to myself, I created the following example (Full source- and test code is attached):
import struct
def int2binAsync(anInteger): def packStruct(i): #Packs an integer, result is 4 bytes return struct.pack("i", i)
d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(packStruct)
reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, anInteger)
return d
def bin2intAsync(aBin): def unpackStruct(p): #Unpacks a bytestring into an integer return struct.unpack("i", p)[0]
d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(unpackStruct)
reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, aBin) return d
def int2binSync(anInteger): #Packs an integer, result is 4 bytes return struct.pack("i", anInteger)
def bin2intSync(aBin): #Unpacks a bytestring into an integer return struct.unpack("i", aBin)[0]
While running the testcode I got the following results:
(1 run = converting an integer to a byte string, converting that byte string back to an integer, and finally checking whether that last integer is the same as the input integer.)
*** Starting Synchronous Benchmarks. (No Twisted => "blocking" code) -> Synchronous Benchmark (1 runs) Completed in 0.0 seconds. -> Synchronous Benchmark (10 runs) Completed in 0.0 seconds. -> Synchronous Benchmark (100 runs) Completed in 0.0 seconds. -> Synchronous Benchmark (1000 runs) Completed in 0.00399994850159 seconds. -> Synchronous Benchmark (10000 runs) Completed in 0.0369999408722 seconds. -> Synchronous Benchmark (100000 runs) Completed in 0.362999916077 seconds. *** Synchronous Benchmarks Completed in 0.406000137329 seconds.
*** Starting Asynchronous Benchmarks . (Twisted => "non-blocking" code) -> Asynchronous Benchmark (1 runs) Completed in 34.5090000629 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (10 runs) Completed in 34.5099999905 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (100 runs) Completed in 34.5130000114 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (1000 runs) Completed in 34.5859999657 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (10000 runs) Completed in 35.2829999924 seconds. -> Asynchronous Benchmark (100000 runs) Completed in 41.492000103 seconds. *** Asynchronous Benchmarks Completed in 42.1460001469 seconds.
Am I really seeing factor 100x??
I really hope that I made a huge reasoning error here but I just can't find it. If my results are correct then I really need to go and check my entire cloud platform for the places where I decided to split functions into atomic operations while thinking that it would actually improve the performance while on the contrary it did the opposit.
I personaly suspect that I lose my cpu-cycles to the reactor scheduling the deferred-callbacks. Would that assumption make any sense? The part where I need these conversion functions is in marshalling/ protocol reading and writing throughout the cloud platform, which implies that these functions will be called constantly so I need them to be superfast. I always though I had to split the entire marshalling process into small atomic (deferred-callback) functions to be efficient, but these figures tell me otherwise.
I really hope someone can help me out here.
Thanks in advance, Best regards, Dirk Moors
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On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:32 AM, Dirk Moors wrote:
Hello Reza,
I tried the solution you provided and I have to say, that changed a lot! You gave me a better understanding of how things work with Twisted, and I really appreciate your response!
Can you show the new code and benchmark results? Sounds like there's an important lesson here... Thanks, S
participants (2)
Dirk Moors
Steve Steiner (listsin)