[Twisted-Python] Twisted Weekly News #11

==================================================================== Twisted Weekly News #11 ==================================================================== .. contents:: So many announcements and new Twisted based software! This week's TWN (especially because it is merged with previous week) is full of really cool news/articles/software that will keep you busy for at least two months. If you have any new information, ideas, announcements for the next TWN, please write to me, <lior@gradstein.info>. TWN is also available as HTML formated ReST on http://gradstein.info/articles/twisted_news/twn11 The Twisted Weekly News ------------------------- 11th Issue. Tuesday, February 17, 2004 QOTW:: <moshez> Twisted: Just Because It's Not Documented and Unstable Doesn't Mean You Shouldn't Use It Discussions ------------- * http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2003-December/006856.html David Bolen asked if there was a way to keep the references to the remote PB object when a disconnect happened, and reconnect all automatically. Jp Calderone replied (http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2003-December/006869.html) that, in its current shape, it is not possible, because the references are reinitialized when the connection is re-enabled. But he said this would not be too hard to implement. * http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2004-February/007039.html Stephen Waterbury posted a code example on how to interface twisted.cred with a database where the user/pass is stored. A few days later, Stephen posted another example, less trivial, showing web auth against a db, on http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2004-February/007063.html * http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2004-February/007057.html Martin Stenhard asked how to get the remote ip address of a connecting client, if the connection is made using PB. * http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2004-February/007074.html David A. Leedom asked for some advice on how he should design a remote backup architecture using Twisted. Michal Pasternak replied that he should pay a lot of attention on the size of transmitted data, as Twisted limits paramaters to 640KB max. Articles/Sites related to Twisted -------------------------------------- * **Nevow: A Web Application Construction Kit** (http://soundfarmer.com/content/nevow.html) fzZzy wrote a proposal to give a talk on nevow at this year's PyCon. It turns out to be a good overview of what nevow is about. * **Planet Twisted** (http://planet.twistedmatrix.com/) A new website which is a blog of all the Twisted developers blogs. * **Article about Twisted Networking** (http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2004/01/15/twisted_intro.html) Itamar wrote an introductory article about Twisted networking. * **Understanding Network I/O, Part 2** (http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2004/02/12/advanced_nio.html) Article by George Belotsky, on how to achieve network asynchronous I/O with examples of code in asyncore,twisted,threads, etc. Cool Things of the Week ----------------------- * **Rebirth of pyx/fzZzy blog** (http://ulaluma.com/pyx/) fzZzy has renewed his blog, with information about nevow and the successor to LivePage named liveevil. A first (very) impressive example is a chat application, located on http://soundfarmer.com/content/code/chatola/ . * **Nevow Wiki** (http://divmod.org/users/slyphon.twistd/nevow/moin.cgi/) A survey is online showing who's doing what with Nevow today. There are many really interesting projects going on! * **Beyond2** (http://www.asbahr.com/beyond.html) Beyond 2 builds upon the Twisted server and extends it to enable arbitrary 3D clients to connect to a common simulation framework. Twisted provides object persistence, remote method invocation, database integration, and more. The project seems to restart/continue, with the help of Nafai and lstep. A Wiki has been set up on http://www.beyond2.org/ * **Twisted Forum** (http://twisted.banquise.org/) Some new sections have been added to the forum (Snippets, PB), New/Updated Cool Software ----------------------------- * **UpStage** (http://sourceforge.net/projects/upstage/) A complex chat application that allows streaming of video. * **BEEP protocol** (http://freshmeat.net/redir/beepy/31931/url_homepage/beepy.sourceforge.net) The BEEPy Python BEEP Library is an implementation of the Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (RFC3080), written as a Python library. The difference with the previous version, is that it is now implemented with Twisted! ("It is now implemented using the Twisted framework for fast, asynchronous network communications") * **Shtoom** (http://shtoom.sourceforge.net/) Shtoom is a pure python implementation of a Voice over IP software phone. * **Trash** (http://thorne.ath.cx/~stephen/software.html) 'Trash' a pastebin application written using the Twisted framwork (using woven). * **GoSiege** (http://www.stranex.com/~perspex/gosiege/) A game on the Go game model, but in a online multiplayer (MMOG) mode. The code is really a very good example of well written code (at least from my point of view). I recommend it if you're looking for PB example code. * **Twibber** (http://slarty.polito.it:8069/~sciasbat/wiki/moin.cgi/twibber) Version 0.2.0pre1, twibber is a Python package aimed at handling the Jabber - XMMP protocol in a completely asynchronous way. * **Crow's Nest** (http://crowsnest.sourceforge.net/) Crow's Nest is a project designed to help collect log information from various sources and to apply some filter to them in a very modular way. * **PETMail** (http://petmail.lothar.com/) PETMail is a permission-based anti-spam replacement for SMTP, using recipient-defined CAPTCHA challenges for new senders, automatic (but revocable) permission-granting for most correspondents, encrypted and signed (but pseudonymous) messages, and provisions for easily changing addresses or transports (including a mechanism to publish remailer SURBs as a destination). * **PEAK 0.5a2** (http://peak.telecommunity.com/) (Not directly related to Twisted, but allows the developer to use the twisted reactor). The third alpha is available. That version includes a new framework (peak.events) that allows the developer to make his programs more event-driven (in the sense of subscribers/observers). The event loop, as usual, can be set to be Twisted's reactor. Current releases ----------------- * Twisted: 1.1.1 (released 2003-12-10) (devel version: 1.1.2alpha2) * Quotient: 0.8.8 (released 2003-12-12) * Twisted Java: 0.6.1 (released 2003-12-02) Ok, that's it for this week. Thanks for reading!
participants (2)
Glyph Lefkowitz
Luc Stepniewski