[Twisted-Python] xml-rpc, single-instance... how does that work

Hi all, I am trying to get my head around some things here. I have been looking at the twisted xml-rpc examples and I know you can get concurrency through deferreds. I like that :) The concept(which i dont get) is having a *single* instance of some class, which is published through xml-rpc. What happens when multiple 'users' try to do stuff like updating and retrieving. How does one do transactional processing? The way I see a user having a transaction is having it's own instance of some (business)object. For example: # semi pseudo code :) x = xmlserverobject() transaction = x.SomeTransActionalBusinessObject() # do stuff transaction.init(blablabla) # save the transaction if everything went correct to for example a database transactiob.save()
I hope it's clear what I am looking for.I dont see how you can do that through xml-rpc, but I might be just stupid :P I hope I missed something because the webservices/xmlrpc looks really appealing. regards, Guyon Morée
participants (1)
Guyon Morée