[Twisted-Python] July Report

http://labs.twistedmatrix.com/2013/07/july-report.html This will be my last report, until the beginning of September. I have, for many years, been a volunteer at the Edmonton Folk Music Festival[1]. For the next month, I will be busy setting it up (and then taking it down, and so will not have time to devote to twisted. This month, 23 tickets got some attention that they would not have received without the sponsored development. The result was 5 closed tickets and 11 other tickets unblocked for other developers to resume work on. This month, I made a number of improvements to the buildobt: - Switched most of the buildslaves to use git to checkout the source. - All the git-using builders merge to trunk, before running tests, so the tests results reflect the code as it would be merged. In particular, all the lint steps should now accurately report only the regressions relative to current trunk of the merged result. - I added a bunch of new builders on VMs provided by Rackspace[1] (thanks to Jesse Noller[3]) and the Fedora Project[4] (thanks to Seth Vidal[5]). These cover all recent versions of Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu and RHEL. As part of this, I automated the deployment of buildslaves, (currently only Debian and Fedora derivatives are supported). This work is made possible by the sponsorship of individuals and organizations which have donated to the Twisted project, part of the Software Freedom Conservancy, a not-for-profit organization that helps promote, improve, and develop open source software. Thanks! The tickets I reviewed, that have now been closed: - #5574: Add support for SOCK_DGRAM to IReactorSocket - #6221: Replace Deprecated Test Case Assertion Methods in twisted.internet - #6393: Utility function to pretty-format list of things - #6475: FileAuthority._lookup incorrectly returns AuthoritativeDomainError for non-subdomain names which happen to share the same suffix as the zone (eg the-example.com and example.com) - #6572: twisted.mail.smtp.sendmail should return a cancellable Deferred Other tickets I have reviewed: - #2699: UDP DatagramProtocol reconnecting - #3926: twisted.positioning -- a better positioning framework - #4173: WebSocket server support - #4735: Implement something like ReconnectingClientFactory for endpoints - #5001: replace call to functions from the string module in twisted.scripts.tap2deb - #5004: replace call to functions from the string module in web - #5685: SMTP Client Tutorial should be self-contained - #6556: LineReceiver rejects lines of length MAX_LENGTH sometimes - #6557: LineOnlyReceiver doesn't disconnect the transport when it detects an overlarge line - #6558: LineOnlyReceiver doesn't pass the entire contents of its buffer to lineLengthExceeded() - #6580: twisted.names.server.DNSServerFactory should query child zones before parent zones Tickets I have worked on: - #5513: Detailed documentation on Proxy by adding docstrings to many of the methods. - #6537: Update coding-standard to reflect that documentation should be sentence per line. - #6620: Document conventions for writting test assertions. - #6626: Remove all uses of deferredGenerator. [1]: http://www.edmontonfolkfest.org/ [2]: https://www.rackspace.com/ [3]: https://twitter.com/jessenoller/status/355453772803211264 [4]: https://fedoraproject.org/ [5]: https://www.redhat.com/about/news/archive/2013/7/thank-you-seth-vidal
participants (1)
Tom Prince