[Twisted-Python] a problem about running php on twisted?

my system is window me python 2.2.2 twisted 1.0.4 php 4.3.1 mysql phpbb 2.0.4 i want to run phpbb on twisted 1.0.4 under window, when i installed above software on window xp home edition,it was successful. but when i installed above software on window me or window xp profession edition,it failed. Step of my doing is 1)create dir c:\pydoc and copy c:\python22\doc to c:\pydoc create c:\pydoc\phpbb2 and copy phpbb2 to it 2)edit hello.rpy in c:\python22\scripts and save it in this dir from twisted.web import static, twcgi class PHPScript(twcgi.FilteredScript): filter = 'C:\\PHP\\php' resource = static.File("c:\\pydoc") resource.processors[".php"] = PHPScript resource.indexNames = ['index.html','index.php'] 3)run the command: python mktap.py web -p 80 --resource-script=hello.rpy -i index.html,index.php 4)run the command: python twistd.py -f web.tap -r win32 After the fourth step ran,i entered into the ie browser and input http://localhost/ it is ok to show the html. but while i input http://localhost/phpbb2 , it show 500 error. why? who can help me to solve it? ______________________________________ ===================================================================
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