[Twisted-Python] Serving Compressed HTTP

Any thoughts on serving compressed HTTP. I didn't see anything in twisted to do this out of the box. Do I need to create a new reactor? Here are some use cases: if a user-agent accepts compressed data - compress static content - compress static content, caching the result somewhere - return compressed "memory" data. - return compressed dynamic data - return compressed dynamic data only when certain mime types are supplied. Doug Ransom

On Tue, 2005-01-25 at 07:45 -0800, Doug Ransom wrote:
Any thoughts on serving compressed HTTP.
Web questions should be asked on the twisted-web mailing list. A couple of people have implemented this already, I think (possibly gzstream at http://undefined.org/python/ is one). The twisted-web list should be able to point you at any.
participants (2)
Doug Ransom
Itamar Shtull-Trauring