[Twisted-Python] LimitedHistoryLogObserver is considered harmful ?

Hi, I happen to have the new logging hotness(tm) running in production as the backend to python's own logging module in one of the daemons that I'm responsible for. I also have dowser[1] integrated with this one so tryng to optimize memory usage is almost fun :) So I noticed one day LimitedHistoryObserver was responsible for holding on to ~30k dict instances. I fixed this with [2]. Resident set size with 48hrs uptime is now down ~300M thanks to that function (and is flat). That's a bit too much for my tastes so I thought maybe you can reconsider that 64 * 1024 entry limit or choose to get rid of the default observer automatically once the global observer has a proper user-supplied sink. Best regards, Burak PS: Neurons will be a web framework that ties a lot of stuff like sqlalchemy, spyne and twisted together. Currently it does only two things quite well: Forking and rendering html forms :) [1] https://github.com/plq/neurons/tree/master/neurons/daemon/dowser [2] https://github.com/plq/neurons/blob/417836a729706f2d1449109ccbb7d4a510227050...

Thanks for trying out this code and helping us validate it!
That's... a lot of dict instances :). I guess not a very "limited" history observer ;-).
Can you file this bug on the Twisted tracker so we don't lose it? I am pretty sure that 300M of memory for buffered logs is not something anybody really wants.
Awesome, I can't wait to see the results.

Thanks for trying out this code and helping us validate it!
That's... a lot of dict instances :). I guess not a very "limited" history observer ;-).
Can you file this bug on the Twisted tracker so we don't lose it? I am pretty sure that 300M of memory for buffered logs is not something anybody really wants.
Awesome, I can't wait to see the results.
participants (2)
Burak Arslan