[Twisted-Python] All night Twisted sprint @SuperHappyDevHouse.

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 After attending several (read: all of them) SuperHappyDevHouse[1] events, with several other Twisted developers, I've decided to organize an official Twisted sprint for the January 28th event. In case you're not aware SuperHappyDevHouse is an all night Hack-a-thon organized by Jeff Lindsay[2] and David E. Weekly[3] (of the Community Colo[4]) in the Bay Area, CA. It's typically filled with a lot of Web2.0 startups, (and the companies that buy them (read: Yahoo and Google)) I'm hoping to have a large portion of this sprint take place in meat space, but as with all past Twisted sprints IRC and Mailing List traffic is always appreciated. The SuperHappyDevHouse is located at 2735 Skyfarm Drive, Hillsborough, CA. It's easy enough to find, Google Maps[5] knows right where it is. Parking is kind of sparse so carpool if you can, or if you'd like to take CalTrain we'll find someone to pick you up. The most important thing is to get as many Twisted developers and Fan Boys[6] in the same place as possible. Sprint attendees and topics will include Brian Warner working on newpb, and David Reid (Me) working on twisted.web2 including the unreleased client branch, and cleaning up trunk for a potential 0.2 release. So I guess I'm really bad at this, but _anyone_ on the West Coast should show up. It'll be great it's a wonderful friendly atmosphere with wonderfully smart people some great new ideas.</plug> [1] http://superhappydevhouse.com/ [2] http://blogrium.com/ [3] http://david.weekly.org/ [4] http://communitycolo.net/ [5] http://maps.google.com/maps?q=2735+Skyfarm+Drive,+Hillsborough,+CA [6] http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fanboy - -David Reid -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFD0JDGrsrO6aeULcgRAkYeAJ9pvjXPLHfgMW0WIV43RtCou6E7zQCeMLb1 3hdgkTL6LGK64bCxQeuKi5o= =v1nJ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
participants (1)
David Reid