Still not making sense to me, and I find no mention of `reveal_type` or `reveal_locals` in PEP 484. The proposal is to add functions to Python's stdlib runtime to provide a common API for external static type checkers? I'm not against there being a common API per se, but I'm not seeing such a need rising to the level of adding it to stdlib. What am I missing?  

On Mon, 2022-01-17 at 17:21 +0000, Eric Traut wrote:
This proposal makes sense to me. I would recommend adding `reveal_locals` as well. It's not used as often as `reveal_type`, but it's kind of a "sister function". They're both described in PEP 484, and AFAIK, all type checkers support both.


Eric Traut
Contributor to Pyright & Pylance
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