On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 5:31 PM Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
Could you please post a corrected version of the script?

Also, IMO the right way to test at runtime is still the numeric tower. The SupportsXxx classes are a crutch for static type checkers and their operational definition is "does the object have a __xxx__ method". The best way to discover at runtime whether something's an integer is still the numeric tower. (With one big caveat: I don't know whether numpy supports this. Last I looked there was scant mention of the numeric tower in the numpy docs, but IIRC there is code in numpy that uses it.)

NumPy's scalar types (e.g., float32 and int64) support the numeric tower.

NumPy's array types don't, because they aren't substitutable for single numbers. But you can check dtypes with NumPy's own type hierarchy:

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 8:18 PM Luciano Ramalho <luciano@ramalho.org> wrote:

Try to make sense of this table:


PEP 484 rejects the numeric tower (number.Number, number.Complex,
number.Real etc.).

The typing module now offers number-related SupportsX protocols which
are runtime checkable, so I assumed some of these protocols could
replace the numeric tower in practice.

This is now more important than before, given the widespread use of
NumPy with its dozens of numeric types.


What is the current best practice for testing numeric types at
runtime, if the numeric tower is problematic?

What use cases prompted the inclusion of the number-related SupportsX
protocols as runtime checked ABCs?


I wish I could forget about the numeric tower and use the SuportsX
protocols, but I don't understand some of the results I'm getting with
these protocols:

1) SupportsFloat
issubclass(complex, typing.SupportsFloat) returns True
but float(1+2j) raises TypeError: can't convert complex to float
(the complex class does implement __float__, but I get that TypeError)

2) SupportsInt
Same issue above: issubclass(complex, typing.SupportsInt) is True but
int(1+2j) raises TypeError.
In addition, issubclass(fractions.Fraction, typing.SupportsInt)
returns False, but int(Fraction(7, 2) works, returns 3.

3) SupportsComplex
Is issubclass(NT, typing.SupportsInt) is true ONLY for NT in
[numpy.complex64, Decimal, and Fraction] but in fact all the numeric
types from the stdlib and NumPy that I tried can be passed to
complex() with no errors (as the first argument).


I wrote a little script to create a table that shows these issues. See
the table and script here if you are interested:


The columns are concrete numeric types from the Python stdlib and NumPy.

The rows represent three kinds of tests:

1) issubclass results against numbers ABCs
    Example: issubclass(number.Real, numpy.float16)
2) issubclass results against typing protocols
    Example: issubclass(typing.SupportsFloat, numpy.float16)
3) application of a built-in to a value built from a concrete type,
given argument 1
    Example 1: complex(float(1)) # result: (1+0j) with ComplexWarning
    Example 2: float(complex(1))  # no result, TypeError: can't
convert complex to float
    Example 3: round(numpy.complex64(1))  # result: (1+0j)



Luciano Ramalho
|  Author of Fluent Python (O'Reilly, 2015)
|     http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032519.do
|  Technical Principal at ThoughtWorks
|  Twitter: @ramalhoorg
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