On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 7:18 PM Tin Tvrtković <tinchester@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear typing-sig,
I've noticed recently that there is practically no support for type-safe ORM/ODM projections in the broader Python ecosystem.
I was under the impression that SQLAlchemy is moving in this direction with the 1.4 release: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/orm/mapping_styles.html#declarative-mappin... and: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/orm/mapping_styles.html#imperative-mapping... I have not used SQLAlchemy 1.4 yet so I can't report on the effectiveness of this approach yet. S. -- Stefane Fermigier - http://fermigier.com/ - http://twitter.com/sfermigier - http://linkedin.com/in/sfermigier Founder & CEO, Abilian - Enterprise Social Software - http://www.abilian.com/ Chairman, National Council for Free & Open Source Software (CNLL) - http://cnll.fr/ Founder & Organiser, PyParis & PyData Paris - http://pyparis.org/ & http://pydata.fr/