20 Jun
20 Jun
7:28 a.m.
In last month's typing meetup, Sebastian presented some options for improving the syntax for type parameters. I subsequently posted some slides that explored a bunch of options. For reference, here's a link to those slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aVHTaj8zGYAvM27uft1ktdthwEKO4KH4qaRv.... In the interest of continuing to make progress on this topic, I've drafted a PEP that places some stakes in the ground. Here's a link to the PEP: https://github.com/erictraut/peps/blob/typeparams/pep-9999.rst. I'm interested in feedback. Since there appears to be broad interest in addressing this problem, perhaps we can use the next typing meetup to continue this discussion. -- Eric Traut Contributor to Pyright & Pylance Microsoft