At this point I feel that the choices are sufficiently clear-cut that we should just forge ahead and settle on a full proposal. And I agree with Jelle that the key point is introducing new syntax for callable types at all. The main point of contention may well be whether the "(...) -> ..." syntax shouldn't be a shorthand for lambda instead.
Do we think it might be worth starting with the original plan of a PEP that just introduces shorthand syntax (as proposed at the start of this thread)?
That would allow us to defer a lot of discussion until later:
- How to add support for named / default / variadic arguments, if at all
- Whether it's more valuable to support param specs (e.g. for decorators) than ^
- Pradeep's initial analysis of existing packages suggests this may be the case
I think the main thing we have to decide is whether we're aligned on any future changes being backward-compatible with shorthand, which rules out strict stub-style syntax with implicit Any but leaves all other options on the table.
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