As some of you might be aware the python packaging ecosystem has adopted a standardized solution of editable installations in form of Historically editable installations worked via `pth` files that inject the projects working directory onto the sys.path. This solution, while it mostly works, is fairly inflexible when it comes to more advanced functionality (such as excluding files from some modules, loading the code from in-memory or the database). A more powerful solution from the runtimes point of view is to use import hooks to dynamically allow/exclude module imports. The problem with this solution today is that static (and type) checkers are not capable of knowing/indexing the project layout, and as such most IDEs e.g. underline the imports with a red line as cannot be resolved from their POV.
A possible suggestion was to allow the py.typed (or another file) to contain a rough layout of the project, e.g. a list of {module x is importable from file at path y}. This file then could be loaded and indexed by both type and static checkers, and periodically be refreshed by tooling for discovering new files/modules. See discussion at
Opinions or better options to tackle this problem?