After an extended hiatus I have a new draft of PEP 655 implementing the
Required[] and NotRequired[] syntax for marking individual keys of a
TypedDict. Please see the latest text at the bottom of this email.
It is my goal to get this PEP ready for submission to the steering
council in time for implementation in Python 3.11, with feature freeze
scheduled for 2022-05-06. [0]
The following notable changes have been integrated since the last draft
posted 26-Feb-2021:
- Clarifications:
* Required & NotRequired at the same time is an error:
> class Movie(TypedDict):
year: NotRequired[Required[int]] # ERROR
* (Not)Required can be used in the alternative syntax for TypedDict:
> Movie = TypedDict('Movie', {'name': str, 'year':
NotRequired[int]}) # ok
- New sections:
+ Interaction with ``Annotated[...]``
* (Not)Required can be used with Annotated[], in ANY nesting
order 🤔[1]
+ Interaction with ``get_type_hints()``
* Strips (Not)Required by default, unless include_extras=True 🤔
+ Interaction with ``get_origin()`` and ``get_args()``
* (Not)Required is recognized by these functions
+ Interaction with ``__required_keys__`` and ``__optional_keys__``
* (Not)Required implies that the marked key is definitely in
one of these key-sets
- News:
* Both mypy and pyright have working implementations of
(Not)Required! 🎉
And pyanalyze too :)
🤔 = potentially controversial
Regarding allowing mixing (Not)Required[] with Annotated[] in ANY
nesting order, I am somewhat conflicted: It would be easier (at least in
mypy and perhaps in pyright [1]) to require that (Not)Required[] be on
the *outside* of Annotated[] and never on the inside. But from a user's
point of view, that restriction feels somewhat arbitrary to me. Comments?
Both mypy and pyright currently disallow `Annotated[ClassVar[...], ...]`, which feels closely analogous to me, so I think we should also disallow `Annotated[Required[...], ...]`.
David Foster | Seattle, WA, USA
Contributor to TypedDict support for mypy
PEP: 655
Title: Marking individual TypedDict items as required or potentially-missing
Author: David Foster <david at>
Sponsor: Guido van Rossum <guido at>
Discussions-To: typing-sig at
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 30-Jan-2021
Python-Version: 3.11
Post-History: 31-Jan-2021, 11-Feb-2021, 20-Feb-2021, 26-Feb-2021,
`PEP 589 <>`__ defines syntax
for declaring a TypedDict with all required keys and syntax for defining
a TypedDict with `all potentially-missing
keys <>`__ however it
does not provide any syntax to declare some keys as required and others
as potentially-missing. This PEP introduces two new syntaxes:
``Required[]`` which can be used on individual items of a
TypedDict to mark them as required, and
``NotRequired[]`` which can be used on individual items
to mark them as potentially-missing.
It is not uncommon to want to define a TypedDict with some keys that are
required and others that are potentially-missing. Currently the only way
to define such a TypedDict is to declare one TypedDict with one value
for ``total`` and then inherit it from another TypedDict with a
different value for ``total``:
class _MovieBase(TypedDict): # implicitly total=True
title: str
class Movie(_MovieBase, total=False):
year: int
Having to declare two different TypedDict types for this purpose is
One might think it unusual to propose syntax that prioritizes marking
*required* keys rather than syntax for *potentially-missing* keys, as is
customary in other languages like TypeScript:
interface Movie {
title: string;
year?: number; // ? marks potentially-missing keys
The difficulty is that the best word for marking a potentially-missing
key, ``Optional[]``, is already used in Python for a completely
different purpose: marking values that could be either of a particular
type or ``None``. In particular the following does not work:
class Movie(TypedDict):
year: Optional[int] # means int|None, not potentially-missing!
Attempting to use any synonym of “optional” to mark potentially-missing
keys (like ``Missing[]``) would be too similar to ``Optional[]``
and be easy to confuse with it.
Thus it was decided to focus on positive-form phrasing for required keys
instead, which is straightforward to spell as ``Required[]``.
Nevertheless it is common for folks wanting to extend a regular
(``total=True``) TypedDict to only want to add a small number of
potentially-missing keys, which necessitates a way to mark keys that are
*not* required and potentially-missing, and so we also allow the
``NotRequired[]`` form for that case.
The ``typing.Required`` type qualifier is used to indicate that a
variable declared in a TypedDict definition is a required key:
class Movie(TypedDict, total=False):
title: Required[str]
year: int
Additionally the ``typing.NotRequired`` type qualifier is used to
indicate that a variable declared in a TypedDict definition is a
potentially-missing key:
class Movie(TypedDict): # implicitly total=True
title: str
year: NotRequired[int]
It is an error to use ``Required[]`` or ``NotRequired[]`` in any
location that is not an item of a TypedDict.
It is valid to use ``Required[]`` and ``NotRequired[]`` even for
items where it is redundant, to enable additional explicitness if desired:
class Movie(TypedDict):
title: Required[str] # redundant
year: NotRequired[int]
It is an error to use both ``Required[]`` and ``NotRequired[]`` at the
same time:
class Movie(TypedDict):
title: str
year: NotRequired[Required[int]] # ERROR
The `alternative syntax
for TypedDict also supports
``Required[]`` and ``NotRequired[]``:
Movie = TypedDict('Movie', {'name': str, 'year': NotRequired[int]})
Interaction with ``Annotated[]``
``Required[]`` and ``NotRequired[]`` can be used with ``Annotated[]``,
in any nesting order:
class Movie(TypedDict):
title: str
year: NotRequired[Annotated[int, ValueRange(-9999, 9999)]] # ok
class Movie(TypedDict):
title: str
year: Annotated[NotRequired[int], ValueRange(-9999, 9999)] # ok
Interaction with ``get_type_hints()``
``typing.get_type_hints(...)`` applied to a TypedDict will by default
strip out any ``Required[]`` or ``NotRequired[]`` type qualifiers,
since these qualifiers are expected to be inconvenient for code
casually introspecting type annotations.
``typing.get_type_hints(..., include_extras=True)`` however
*will* retain ``Required[]`` and ``NotRequired[]`` type qualifiers,
for advanced code introspecting type annotations that
wishes to preserve *all* annotations in the original source:
class Movie(TypedDict):
title: str
year: NotRequired[int]
assert get_type_hints(Movie) == \
{'title': str, 'year': int}
assert get_type_hints(Movie, include_extras=True) == \
{'title': str, 'year': NotRequired[int]}
Interaction with ``get_origin()`` and ``get_args()``
``typing.get_origin()`` and ``typing.get_args()`` will be updated to
recognize ``Required[]`` and ``NotRequired[]``:
assert get_origin(Required[int]) is Required
assert get_args(Required[int]) == (int,)
assert get_origin(NotRequired[int]) is NotRequired
assert get_args(NotRequired[int]) == (int,)
Interaction with ``__required_keys__`` and ``__optional_keys__``
An item marked with ``Required[]`` will always appear
in the ``__required_keys__`` for its enclosing TypedDict. Similarly an item
marked with ``NotRequired[]`` will always appear in ``__optional_keys__``.
assert Movie.__required_keys__ == frozenset({'title'})
assert Movie.__optional_keys__ == frozenset({'year'})
Backwards Compatibility
No backward incompatible changes are made by this PEP.
How to Teach This
To define a TypedDict where most keys are required and some are
potentially-missing, define a single TypedDict as normal
and mark those few keys that are potentially-missing with ``NotRequired[]``.
To define a TypedDict where most keys are potentially-missing and a few are
required, define a ``total=False`` TypedDict
and mark those few keys that are required with ``Required[]``.
If some items accept ``None`` in addition to a regular value, it is
recommended that the ``TYPE|None`` syntax be preferred over
``Optional[TYPE]`` for marking such item values, to avoid using
``Required[]`` or ``NotRequired[]`` alongside ``Optional[]``
within the same TypedDict definition:
from __future__ import annotations # for Python 3.7-3.9
class Dog(TypedDict):
name: str
owner: NotRequired[str|None]
Okay (required for Python 3.5.3-3.6):
class Dog(TypedDict):
name: str
owner: 'NotRequired[str|None]'
class Dog(TypedDict):
name: str
# ick; avoid using both Optional and NotRequired
owner: NotRequired[Optional[str]]
Reference Implementation
The `mypy <>`__
`0.930 <>`__
and `pyright <>`__
type checkers support ``Required`` and ``NotRequired``.
A reference implementation of the runtime component is provided in the
Rejected Ideas
Special syntax around the *key* of a TypedDict item
class MyThing(TypedDict):
opt1?: str # may not exist, but if exists, value is string
opt2: Optional[str] # always exists, but may have None value
This syntax would require Python grammar changes and it is not
believed that marking TypedDict items as required or potentially-missing
would meet the high bar required to make such grammar changes.
class MyThing(TypedDict):
Optional[opt1]: str # may not exist, but if exists, value is string
opt2: Optional[str] # always exists, but may have None value
This syntax causes ``Optional[]`` to take on different meanings depending
on where it is positioned, which is inconsistent and confusing.
Also, “let’s just not put funny syntax before the colon.” [1]_
Marking required or potentially-missing keys with an operator
We could use unary ``+`` as shorthand to mark a required key, unary
``-`` to mark a potentially-missing key, or unary ``~`` to mark a key
with opposite-of-normal totality:
class MyThing(TypedDict, total=False):
req1: +int # + means a required key, or Required[]
opt1: str
req2: +float
class MyThing(TypedDict):
req1: int
opt1: -str # - means a potentially-missing key, or NotRequired[]
req2: float
class MyThing(TypedDict):
req1: int
opt1: ~str # ~ means a opposite-of-normal-totality key
req2: float
Such operators could be implemented on ``type`` via the ``__pos__``,
``__neg__`` and ``__invert__`` special methods without modifying the
It was decided that it would be prudent to introduce longform syntax
(i.e. ``Required[]`` and ``NotRequired[]``) before introducing
any shortform syntax. Future PEPs may reconsider introducing this
or other shortform syntax options.
Note when reconsidering introducing this shortform syntax that
``+``, ``-``, and ``~`` already have existing meanings in the Python
typing world: covariant, contravariant, and invariant:
>>> from typing import TypeVar
>>> (TypeVar('T', covariant=True), TypeVar('U', contravariant=True),
(+T, -U, ~V)
Marking absence of a value with a special constant
We could introduce a new type-level constant which signals the absence
of a value when used as a union member, similar to JavaScript’s
``undefined`` type, perhaps called ``Missing``:
class MyThing(TypedDict):
req1: int
opt1: str|Missing
req2: float
Such a ``Missing`` constant could also be used for other scenarios such
as the type of a variable which is only conditionally defined:
class MyClass:
attr: int|Missing
def __init__(self, set_attr: bool) -> None:
if set_attr:
self.attr = 10
def foo(set_attr: bool) -> None:
if set_attr:
attr = 10
reveal_type(attr) # int|Missing
Misalignment with how unions apply to values
However this use of ``...|Missing``, equivalent to
``Union[..., Missing]``, doesn’t align well with what a union normally
means: ``Union[...]`` always describes the type of a *value* that is
present. By contrast missingness or non-totality is a property of a
*variable* instead. Current precedent for marking properties of a
variable include ``Final[...]`` and ``ClassVar[...]``, which the
proposal for ``Required[...]`` is aligned with.
Misalignment with how unions are subdivided
Furthermore the use of ``Union[..., Missing]`` doesn’t align with the
usual ways that union values are broken down: Normally you can eliminate
components of a union type using ``isinstance`` checks:
class Packet:
data: Union[str, bytes]
def send_data(packet: Packet) -> None:
if isinstance(, str):
reveal_type( # str
packet_bytes ='utf-8')
reveal_type( # bytes
packet_bytes =
However if we were to allow ``Union[..., Missing]`` you’d either have to
eliminate the ``Missing`` case with ``hasattr`` for object attributes:
class Packet:
data: Union[str, Missing]
def send_data(packet: Packet) -> None:
if hasattr(packet, 'data'):
reveal_type( # str
packet_bytes ='utf-8')
reveal_type( # Missing? error?
packet_bytes = b''
or a check against ``locals()`` for local variables:
def send_data(packet_data: Optional[str]) -> None:
packet_bytes: Union[str, Missing]
if packet_data is not None:
packet_bytes ='utf-8')
if 'packet_bytes' in locals():
reveal_type(packet_bytes) # bytes
reveal_type(packet_bytes) # Missing? error?
or a check via other means, such as against ``globals()`` for global
warning: Union[str, Missing]
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
warning = 'Your version of Python is unsupported!'
if 'warning' in globals():
reveal_type(warning) # str
reveal_type(warning) # Missing? error?
Weird and inconsistent. ``Missing`` is not really a value at all; it’s
an absence of definition and such an absence should be treated
Difficult to implement
Eric Traut from the Pyright type checker team has stated that
implementing a ``Union[..., Missing]``-style syntax would be
difficult. [2]_
Introduces a second null-like value into Python
Defining a new ``Missing`` type-level constant would be very close to
introducing a new ``Missing`` value-level constant at runtime, creating
a second null-like runtime value in addition to ``None``. Having two
different null-like constants in Python (``None`` and ``Missing``) would
be confusing. Many newcomers to JavaScript already have difficulty
distinguishing between its analogous constants ``null`` and
Replace Optional with Nullable. Repurpose Optional to mean “optional item”.
``Optional[]`` is too ubiquitous to deprecate. Although use of it
*may* fade over time in favor of the ``T|None`` syntax specified by `PEP
604 <>`__.
Change Optional to mean “optional item” in certain contexts instead of
Consider the use of a special flag on a TypedDict definition to alter
the interpretation of ``Optional`` inside the TypedDict to mean
“optional item” rather than its usual meaning of “nullable”:
class MyThing(TypedDict, optional_as_missing=True):
req1: int
opt1: Optional[str]
class MyThing(TypedDict, optional_as_nullable=False):
req1: int
opt1: Optional[str]
This would add more confusion for users because it would mean that in
*some* contexts the meaning of ``Optional[]`` is different than in
other contexts, and it would be easy to overlook the flag.
Various synonyms for “potentially-missing item”
- Omittable – too easy to confuse with optional
- OptionalItem, OptionalKey – two words; too easy to confuse with
- MayExist, MissingOk – two words
- Droppable – too similar to Rust’s ``Drop``, which means something
- Potential – too vague
- Open – sounds like applies to an entire structure rather then to an
- Excludable
- Checked
.. [1]
.. [2]
This document is placed in the public domain or under the
CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive.
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On 2/26/21 7:09 PM, David Foster wrote:
> The new syntax Required[...] and NotRequired[...] for marking individual
> keys of a TypedDict has now been formally proposed as a draft PEP.
> Please see the latest text at the bottom of this email, or online at:
> Comments welcome. :)
> Meanwhile I'll proceed to implement this syntax in mypy.
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