While I agree with the sentiment and the comments below, I think we should nevertheless always allow `Annotated` on the outside, even in the case of `ClassVar` and `Final`. In https://bugs.python.org/msg411067 a user is complaining about the inability to place `Annotated` on the outside of `ClassVar`, causing difficulty. I've seen several complaints on the mailing list that there's too much tension between typing users of annotation space and non-typing users of annotation space. If we want to continue to claim typing annotations aren't going to interfere with people we owe it to them to take issues with our blessed typing-friendly annotation format (`Annotated`) seriously. In that vein, it seems to me the cost of typing being a good citizen to other users of annotations should require us to always accept `Annotated` on the outside of annotations to avoid forcing the burden of being able to parse typing on all other users of annotations. If someone wishes to annotate a specific inner type with `Annotated`, then they are already buying into being able to parse typing anyway. There seems to be a tendency to view `Annotated` annotations as metadata on a *type* to justify where it should go, but I worry we're being too prescriptive about what an annotation can or should be and by doing so we risk further alienating other users of annotation space who just want a simple way to introspect metadata they wish to add.