Hi everyone,

PyCon 2023 is coming up, and so is the annual Typing Summit!

When: Thursday, April 20, 2023, 1-5 pm UT (GMT-6).
Where: Room 253AB, Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah.

The tentative agenda is as follows:

+ Settling in and introductions
+ The State of Typing - Jelle Zijlstra
+ Common Typing Pain Points from User Questions - Alex Waygood (tentatively)
+ PEP 649 and runtime `__annotations__` - Carl Meyer
+ Using Type Hints at Runtime - Samuel Colvin
+ Standardization across type checkers - Kevin Millikin
+ Adding Type Annotations using MonkeyType - Carl Meyer
+ Adding Type Annotations using Static Information - Steven Troxler

We *may* have room for one more talk, so if you have a talk you're passionate about, please reply to the thread or reach out to us. We are also trying to organize a discussion with the Steering Council, as we did last year.

Once things are finalized, we will add a page for the Typing Summit to the PyCon 2023 website. The talks will be officially recorded and shared later. (The organizers were unfortunately not able to set up a livestream.)

Finally, if you are planning to come but haven’t yet filled out the interest form yet, please do so ASAP! https://forms.gle/yv1WnDoAVscg21vW8.

Jelle and Pradeep