I don't find this example particularly compelling.  `TypeGaurd` is not an instantiable type.  A function that returns `TypeGaurd[T]` in actuality returns `bool`:
 Return statements within a type guard function should return bool values, and type checkers should verify that all return paths return a bool.
So this issue of overloading seems pretty irrelevant.

On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 4:31 PM Jake Bailey via Typing-sig <typing-sig@python.org> wrote:
I found this confusing too, until I looked further into the overload rules and overlapping with classes. Consider this reduced example:

from typing import Union, overload

class bool: ...
class TypeGuard(bool): ... # Illegal, but pretend it is okay.

def func(x: TypeGuard) -> int: ...
def func(x: bool) -> str: ...
def func(x: Union[TypeGuard, bool]) -> Union[int, str]:
    if isinstance(x, TypeGuard):
        return 1234
    return "hey"

If I then write:

def do_something() -> bool: return TypeGuard()

b: bool = do_something()
x = func(b)

If we say "it's a `bool`" and attempt to pick the second overload, it will be wrong, because at runtime it's `TypeGuard`, and `func` returns an `int`, not the expected `str`.

See also: https://github.com/python/typing/issues/253#issuecomment-389262904
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