This is definitely a good idea! IIUC we can have several meeting with different scope/audience. Here are ideas that appeared so far:

* Big typing summit
* "Typing for numeric stack" panel
* "User experience/requests for typing tools" panel
* "Python code quality tools" panel (typing + flake8/PyLint/...)

The last tree probably can be organized on the spot (we can just book a room for an hour, like last year).
But for the summit I agree we should ask in advance, are you volunteering to take care of organizing the summit?


On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 10:44, Guido van Rossum <> wrote:
There's a lot of interesting material to discuss at PyCon, probably more than we can fit into a series of BoF meetings.

How would people feel if we organized a typing summit at PyCon? The best time would be the day before the conference, i.e. the day after the language summit. I'd limit it to a half day (probably the afternoon so people can recover from travel).

I haven't asked the PyCon organizers for a room yet, but I imagine we will be able to swing this -- I'm mostly asking who would actually show up.

--Guido van Rossum (
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