On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 10:07 AM Shannon Zhu via Typing-sig <typing-sig@python.org> wrote:

Wanted to chime in on the leading underscores workaround –


I think this makes sense as a shorthand if we’re forced to provide a name, but the ‘_’ symbol to me is still associated with “unused” rather than “positional” argument, and that this isn’t intuitive unless someone has read the rules in the PEP and knows this is something they need to add to every callable type.

This is a good point: sometimes you really *do* have a parameter position that is unused (needed for historical reasons / compatibility).

I’m also worried about the extra verbosity when many callables may not need to deal with or think about named parameters at all.

Yeah, this is the main reason why we need to keep looking.

I’d be supportive of the shorthand where `(int, str) -> float` is still acceptable if we do not have named params.

 Yeah, I think this is a reasonable compromise, even if it means that there's a discrepancy: it would mean that

def foo(bar, baz) -> int: ...

does not correspond to the signature

foo: (bar, baz) -> int

instead it corresponds roughly to

foo: (Any, Any) -> int

But really the latter would be a precise match for

def foo(bar, baz, /) -> int: ...
Additionally, what are the concerns with allowing a hybrid of named and unnamed params, ie.:


f: (int, str, *, foo: int = ..., **kwargs: str) -> bool

If we were to allow this, it'd be harder to give a simple rule for when the argument names can be omitted or not -- for example would we allow this?

f: (int, name: str) -> bool

or this?

f: (count: int, str) -> bool

or even this?

f: (a: int, b, c: str) -> bool

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)