The title of the issue might be cryptic, but here's what I was trying to mean. I have two modules located in the same subpackage, something like this: ./objects /message.py /chat.py message.py has functions that take in objects from chat.py as parameters and so does message.py. I tried to import objects from message.py import chat.py to use for type annotations and also from chat.py to message.py for the same reason but I get circular import errors. Is there a way to create types for these objects that can still be used by the type checker to track the actual objects without importing the objects from either class? I'm thinking of creating a separate module called types and put the types there, but I can't figure out how to map the types I'll create to the objects in those two files so that they can be used without circular import errors. Perhaps if there's some runtime check that can be done, I'm not so sure.