Today I found this in TypeScript: https://twitter.com/justinfagnani/status/1309246009017425920 I think that it is highly related. ср, 23 сент. 2020 г. в 16:44, Alfonso L. Castaño <alfonsoluis.castanom@um.es
As a clarification, I do not quite agree on that we cannot express pop_many in Pyre, it should be so simple as to write:
def pop_many(xs: SizedList[T, M], n: N) -> SizedList[T, M - N]: ...
Or in current prefix syntax:
def pop_many(xs: SizedList[T, M], n: N) -> SizedList[T, Add[M,Mult[N,Literal[-1]]]: ...
Best, Alfonso. _______________________________________________ Typing-sig mailing list -- typing-sig@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to typing-sig-leave@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/typing-sig.python.org/ Member address: n.a.sobolev@gmail.com