I can't report on the state of the PEP. I just would like to present another argument to not do this: `Optional`, in the first place, is a somewhat confusing misnomer: "`Optional` arguments of a function" are something different than "optional arguments of a function". In dictionary fields, an `Optional?` field is not "optional" either (just the value may be `None`). I think it is much more declarative to write `T | None` instead of `Optional[T]`. I think, the `T?` syntax would just be another way to stick to the idea of avoiding to write the more clear `T | None`. Am 30.03.2022 07:25 schrieb David Foster:
The typing-related PEP 645 - which introduces the syntax `T?` to mean `Optional[T]` - only has a single substantial related commit in the PEPs repo - the commit introducing the PEP (in Nov 2020) - and no discussions thread that I can find (on typing-sig or elsewhere).
I'm personally quite interested in the potential capability to quickly signify `Optional[T]` since it is something I do a lot.
What is the status of this PEP? Deferred for now? Withdrawn in favor of `T|None` syntax?† Something else?