Hi all,
I need some help with the ghost zone generation. Right now it's too
slow, because it performs a cascading interpolation from the lowest
levels to the highest levels, filling in available cells, then
interpolating to the next level and repeating the process. Looking
over the Enzo source code, I think we can do better: I think we should
be able to replicate the Enzo logic much more closely, which only
implicitly requires cascading interpolation, by checking parents and
sibling grids. The issue of Subling grids I think we will also need
to address. The current code is in AMRIntSmoothedCoveringGridBase.
It's not that pretty.
Does anybody have any ideas on whether or not we can do this better
than it currently is done? Getting vertex centered data requires the
ghost zones, and right now getting ghost zones is *easily* the most
time consuming step of the volume rendering for many datasets. Dave,
John, I know you've both dealt with this issue but if anybody has any
ideas, they'd be greatly appreciated!