Ideally, what do you think is a good name for a subpackage that covers, broadly, the type of analysis that this code does?
I guess it depends on how fine-grained we wish to be in subpackage names. At the finest level, it would go in a star_analysis package.
Maybe something like yt.synthetic_observations or something? yt.physics seems a bit glib. :)
I'm not sure yt.physics is even appropriate, yt doesn't do physics, strictly. I think the best way to reorg is by hierarchical function, which is more or less what you've described in the google doc. Under yt. the dirs should be simple, like yt.data_io, yt.analysis, yt.plotting, yt.gui. And under those more refined, yt.analysis.stars, yt.analysis.haloes, yt.analysis.fields. Well, this is just my two cents. I'm just writing my thoughts down, I haven't really contemplated how hard it would be to reorg this way. My suggestion is if we are to reorganize the directories, we should do it all at once, meaning it should coincide with a point release of yt, to keep the distributions (svn, hg) more or less comparable. Otherwise we'll just go crazy trying to juggle the two. _______________________________________________________ o__ Stephen Skory _.>/ _Graduate Student ________________________________(_)_\(_)_______________