Here's the link to the hangout for next Monday (10/5).


On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 8:41 AM, Hilary Egan <> wrote:
Here's the link to the PR triage hangout on Monday 9/21. Fun fact: last week we hit the milestone of 10 consecutive(ish, excluding holidays) PR triage hangouts!


On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Hilary Egan <> wrote:
Hi all,

Here's the link for next week's PR triage hangout and a reminder that they will now be Mondays at 2pm EST!

Hilary Egan
Astrophysical and Planetary Science Department
University of Colorado Boulder

Hilary Egan
Astrophysical and Planetary Science Department
University of Colorado Boulder

Hilary Egan
Astrophysical and Planetary Science Department
University of Colorado Boulder