Hi Will,

Thanks for your email!  I just checked, and indeed, that you can't access them.  But, I don't think it would be terribly difficult (although likely a bit baroque) to implement the access protocol, and I think it would be a great addition.  I think that it would require implementing a streamline data selector in yt/geometry/selection_routines.pyx.  The streamline path object itself has a positions attribute, which gives the position at each point in the streamline.  This can be accessed in the selection routine in an implementation of select_cell.

I'd be haappy to work through this with you, if you'd like -- you can join our slack channel (it should currently allow guests, or we can invite you) and we can talk through this if you'd like.


On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Will Barnes <wtb2@rice.edu> wrote:
Hi all,

I was wondering if there is currently an effort to implement data access along streamlines in yt 3.x. The streamline documentation (http://yt-project.org/doc/visualizing/streamlines.html) indicates that this functionality is not yet available in 3.x, but seems to imply that it was available in previous versions (possibly 2.x?). 

If no one else is working on this currently, I would be interested in contributing to this feature. However, I am relatively new to the yt codebase and don’t know what level of expertise would be needed. Any comments/feedback would be appreciated.


Will Barnes

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