Hi everyone,
Thanks for everyone who responded to the doodle poll! Wednesday 1pm PST seems like the best time for everyone. I've invited those who participated in the doodle poll, but if you are interested in joining please email me and I'll send an invite.


On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 3:42 PM, Christopher Moody <chrisemoody@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi folks,
Over at YTEP-0013  we've been having vigorous discussion over particle deposition. Concrete suggestions have given way to more freeform brainstorming (something I'm quite guilty of too) and it's too much to synthesize at once. Matt has suggested, and I agree, that we would be better off hashing this out in a google hangout.

If you're interested, please respond on the doodle poll for WThF of next week. Ideally, I would like to see at least the people who've reviewed YTEP-0013 to participate; if these times don't work out for y'all, we can move around the times. I'll prepare some use cases and material that we can go over.


Many thanks, 